All families have a legacy.

The challenge in our world is that many legacies are accidental instead of intentional. We believe true legacy is built one intention at a time, one action at a time and one prayer at a time.

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Robert Kennedy, Ed.D; Ph.D, is the co-founder of the Legacy Seminars. As a pastor, professor, college administrator, published author of eleven books, magazine articles and contributor to the Local Talk newspaper, in Newark, New Jersey, Dr. Robert Kennedy and his wife, are active family life educators. Their books, seminars and workshops have blessed many across the world.

Welcome to the legacy Seminars

It is the great desire of Dr. Robert Kennedy that those who read a compilation as the present will be informed and transformed so that they can be better men and women, in society and in their families. Family must be a priority. It’s family first. In the family a man needs to be a man and a woman a woman. That means each is to reach their highest ideal.

Life Maps Legacy series are offered to help youngsters, as well as adults, gain a focus on how to use a strategic plan of action for the successful achievement of their lifes destiny. It purports that destiny is a choice, and that to secure a positive destiny, one needs to follow a map of at least fourteen dynamic steps. Without a map, one can expect all kinds of distractions and dysfunctions, which will ultimately lead to destruction.

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      what people say?

      As you read Legacy Minded Men, take time to reflect on the situations and principles presented and how you may incorporate positive changes into your life. Continuous improvement of our mental, emotional and spiritual life is an ongoing process. Read this book. Dog-ear pages and highlight areas that resonate with you personally. It will serve as a blessing to your life’s journey!

      Clairmont J. Barnes

      Just For Men, Prayer Ministry

      Legacy Minded Men is a resource that shows how men in the contemporary culture impart their legacy for generations to come. It gives a special focus to the transference of faith. Many family life educators argue that men represent the most consistent, and arguably the most critical agents upon the 3rdand 4thgenerations in the transference of any faith. In this vein, I am thankful that Dr. D. Robert Kennedy made faith a central component of these reflections. To me, it is a blessing for men to read.

      Customer #2

      Family Ministries Director

      The Legacy of Men is a must read for anyone interested in understanding what character traits make men of character and integrity. Dr. D. Robert Kennedy puts forward many compelling ideas that challenge men to be conscious of their character in a world so little concerned with character today.

      Marcellus Robinson

      Director of Stewardship, Allegheny East Conference of SDAs

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